Archive for March 6th, 2009

6 Weeks + 2 Days Belly Bump!

Getting bigger!

6 Weeks + 2 Days

6 Weeks + 2 Days

And here’s 4 Weeks + 3 Days for comparison!

4 Weeks + 3 Days

4 Weeks + 3 Days

Add a comment March 6, 2009

Mango Cravings

6 Weeks + 2 Days

I haven’t had the energy to write in the last week. I’ve been feeling very very tired! Going to bed at 8.30 and getting up at 8, and still spending the whole day tired!

Nausea picked up a notch about two days ago. I’ve been using Nux Vomica (a homoeopathic remedy that is safe in pregnancy) as soon as I feel nauseous and it really really works. I couldn’t live without it right now. If I need to eat it kills the nausea enough that I can manage food, but if I’m not hungry it usually stops the nausea in it’s tracks.

Peeing has become a big pain, cause I wake up in the middle of the night, every night, and I’m so tired I just do not want to get up! Then when I do get up, because my stomach is empty, I feel nauseous and need to take some nux vom and eat. I really try to make it through the night without going but I usually end up dreaming that I’m stuck somewhere and trying to find a bathroom.

The last few days I’ve noticed when I’m sitting upright my ab muscles are really tense, like they are struggling to keep my insides in! lol! Today I feel like I’m going to explode! I have a photo of my bump to post but I’ll do it in a separate post. It’s getting bigger!

I’ve been talking to baby and telling her (I think!) to take what she needs from me and tell me if I need anything else. I was dreaming of dried mango slices last night, I really want them now! Maybe there is something good in them???

Ooh, look what I just found with a quick google –

A pregnant woman should eat at least one mango a day – the kalium and magnesium of the mango relaxes the musles, releaves stress and prevents abortion.

Its high vitamin A content also plays an important role in placental and fetus development.
The mango is highly recommended for pregnant women and individuals suffering from anemia because of its iron content.

It can increase iron absorption from vegetables and as a result prevent anemia in vegetarians.

Moreover, the mango’s high magnesium content helps relax the muscles, relieve stress and prevents from abortion in pregnant women.

The mango’s high vitamin C and calcium content helps treat and prevent internal hemorrhaging.

Wow! Isn’t it great what your body tells you you need? I swear I knew nothing about mango before I looked that up. I just knew it was yummy. In my dream everywhere I went there were packets of dried mango. I need to get some!

Well, I need to go to sleep. It’s hard work!

1 comment March 6, 2009






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